
Welcome to CAV Creation

Community Asset Vouchers (CAVs) are offers for goods or services, published on a public decentralized ledger called Celo. They are similar to loyalty points or gift cards or certificates for actions completed. This guide will help you design and publish a CAV.

Process Overview

  1. About you: Who are you as the Issuer creating and publishing the CAV?
  2. Naming & Purpose: What's your CAV's name and what does it represent?
  3. Valuation & Amount: How many CAVs do you want to create and what's their total worth?
  4. Expiry: Does your CAV expire over time and where are they renewed?
  5. Finalization: Here, you'll sign and publish your CAV on the Celo ledger.

The essence of a CAV is to develop a formal commitment or contractual promise that can be offered and exchanged.

For example, if you create a CAV called COUCH, you could specify that 1 COUCH is redeemable as payment for 1 hour of your coaching. Another CAV called WAVE could be proof of one hour of water cathment services.

Some CAV issuers will sell their CAVs, while others will give them as gifts, certificates, loyalty points, or exchange them in pools. Note that anyone holding your CAV has the right to trade them to someone else or redeem them as payment for your goods or services depending on how you design them in this guide.

The CAV's ultimate aim is community improvement. When planning it, listen to everyone who may be affected by it.

Sarafu.Network and Grassroots Economics Foundation are not giving financial advice, and there are no warranties implied. Use at your own risk.

Grassroots Economics Foundation has no liability or obligation in relation to the usage or access to your CAV. You are publishing your voucher on the CELO ledger, which is public and all transactions and usage of your CAV will be transparent to the public. All information you enter on this website/tool should be considered public. Do not enter private or confidential information. Only enter information that is crucial for people to know about your CAV and how to contact you.

Please check within your legal jurisdiction for local regulations. CAVs are only guaranteed to be accepted by the issuer (you or your association) and are not required to be accepted by other businesses or individuals.